1 | 国内
- 神经科学本科专业:
- Introduction to Neural Science(神经科学导论)
- Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience(细胞与分子神经科学)
- Development and Dysfunction of the Nervous System(神经系统发育与功能障碍)
- Behavioral and Integrative Neuroscience(行为与整合神经科学)
- Perception(感知觉)
- Neurobiology of Hearing(听觉的神经生物学)
- Neural Bases of Speech and Language(言语与语言的神经基础)
- Neurobiology of Decision Making(抉择的神经生物学)
- Modeling and Simulations in Neuroscience(神经科学的建模与仿真)
- Math Tools for Life Sciences(生命科学的数学工具)
- Networks and Dynamics(网络与动力学)
- Free Will and the Brain(自由意志与大脑)
- …
- 神经科学研究生项目
- 神经科学本科专业
- 神经精神医学本科专业
- 神经生物学研究生项目:现代神经生物学,神经科学专题
2 | 国外
- 神经生物学相关
- Synaptic Circuits of the Nervous System(神经系统突触环路)
- Sex and the Brain(性与大脑)
- Maps of the Brain: how we organize the world(大脑图谱:我们如何组织世界)
- The Functional and Structural Human Brain Connectome(人脑连接组的功能和结构)
- 神经病学/精神病学相关
- What Disease Teaches about Cognition(疾病教会我们关于认知的什么东西)
- Functional Neuroimaging of Psychiatric Disorders(精神疾病的功能性神经影像)
- 认知神经科学相关
- Neurobiology of Behavior(行为的神经生物学)
- Audition: Neural Mechanisms, Perception, and Cognition(听觉:神经机制、感知与认知)
- Pain, Pleasure, and Everything Between: How Touch Encodes the World(痛苦、快乐以及两者之间的一切:触摸如何编码世界)
- Creativity Research: Eccentrics, Geniuses, and Harvard Students(创造性研究:怪人、天才和哈佛学生)
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Meditation(冥想的认知神经科学)
- 计算神经科学相关
- Neural Computation(神经计算)
- Advanced Topics in artificial Intelligence(人工智能高级主题)
- 演化神经科学/神经美学/神经教育学/神经法学相关
- The Origins and Evolution of Cognition(认识的起源与演化)
- Neuroaesthetics(神经美学)
- The Role of Music in Health and Education(音乐在健康和教育中的作用)
- Pyschopaths and Psychopathy: Psychological, Neuroscientific, Legal, and Policy Issues(心理变态与精神病:心理、神经科学、法律和政策问题)
- Topics in neural engineering: Learning and memory in Neural Systems(神经工程主题:神经系统中的学习与记忆)
- …
- 神经生物学相关
- Intro to Neuroscience(神经科学导论)
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience(分子和细胞神经科学)
- Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology(细胞和分子神经生物学)
- Experimental Molecular Neurobiology(分子神经生物学实验)
- Developmental Neurobiology(发育神经生物学)
- Disorders and Diseases of the Nervous System(神经系统的障碍与疾病)
- Systems Neuroscience(系统神经科学)
- 认知神经科学相关
- Cognitive Science(认知科学)
- Intro to Psychological Science(心理学导论)
- Neural Circuits for Cognition(认知神经环路)
- Perception(感知)
- Neural Plasticity in Learning and Memory(学习和记忆中的神经可塑性)
- Acoustics, Production and Perception of Speech(言语中的声学、产生与感知)
- Language in the Mind and Brain(心智与大脑中的语言)
- Infant and Early Child Cognition(婴幼儿认知能力)
- The Human Brain(人类的大脑)
- 计算神经科学相关
- Cellular Neurophysiology and Computing(细胞神经生理学与计算)
- Introduction to Neural Computation(神经计算导论)
- Computational Cognitive Science(计算认知科学)
- Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive Computations(认知计算的神经机制)
- Computational Psycholinguistics(计算心理语言学)
- Machine Motivated Human Vision(机器驱动的人类视觉)
- Quantitative Methods and Computational Models in Neurosciences(神经科学中的定量方法和计算模型)
- Statistics for Neuroscience Research(神经科学研究的统计学)
- Statistics for Brain and Cognitive Science(大脑与认知科学的统计学)
- Statistical Learning Theory and Applications(统计学习理论与应用)
- Mathematical Statistics: A Non-Asymptotic Approach(数理统计:一种非渐近方法)
- Emergent Computations within Distributed Neural Circuits(分布式神经回路中的涌现计算)
- 神经工程学相关
- Principles of Neuroengineering(神经工程学原理)
- Nonlinear Control System Design(非线性控制系统设计)
- Neurotechnology in Action(运动的神经技术)
- Materials Physics of Neural Interfaces(神经接口的材料物理学)
- Principles and Applications of Genetic Engineering for Biotechnology and Neuroscience(生物技术和神经科学的基因工程原理和应用)
- Pioneering Technologies for Interrogating Complex Biological Systems(研究复杂生物系统的前沿技术)
- Robotics(机器人学)
- Revolutionary Ventures: How to Invent and Deploy Transformative Technologies(革命性的冒险:如何发明和部署变革性技术)
- 神经经济学/ 神经美学相关
- Psychology and Economics(心理学和经济学)
- Consumer Behavior(消费者的行为)
- Vision in Art and Neuroscience(视觉艺术与神经科学)